
Tuesday 1 June 2010

Early Morning Exercise

Liz and I went for an early morning walk this morning. We left the house just before 6am, and went for a brisk walk around the rice paddies and along the river. It was really great, actually. Getting out of bed wasn't entirely welcome (slight understatement...), but once up and out the door, it was really fun. It wasn't very cold, either, which is always a plus. We saw a couple of pheasants, several white herons (rare in New Zealand, but common as mud in Japan! haha), frogs, slugs, swallows, and an old man.

The rice paddies were quite reflective...


  1. Walking in the early morning is great - as long as you can drag yourself out of bed!

    Love the reflecting rice paddy photo!

  2. Yeah, exactly!! If we want to go for a morning walk during the week, it means we have to get up at 5:45am at the latest... so very unwelcome! But like you say, it's great if you can get out and do it.
    On a clear day the rice paddies are so beautiful! It won't be long, though, before the wee rice plants grow big and bushy and the water won't be visable at all.

  3. 小田陽子03 June, 2010


  4. 日本語OK!!
    でも小田先生は英語で書けるから〜 ;)

  5. this is making me feel so natsukashii(?)...
