Well, sort of...
Halloween is nearing, and we have spookified our house accordingly. This is particularly exciting for me, because it is the first time in my whole life that I have had Halloween decorations in my house! Back home in New Zealand we have Halloween, but most people don't really "do" much for it. Maybe a theme party, or perhaps a scary movie, but (at least, when I was growing up) kids didn't go trick-or-treating, we didn't really "decorate" or anything like that. Also, the little Halloween that we do have is exclusively "scary" or "paranormal". We don't have the American "anything goes" approach to costumes. I noticed when I was in the States for Halloween that kids could dress up as anything they wanted, be it a geisha girl, a princess, a block of cheese, a dice, whatever! Back home, dress up parties would have been "scary" costumes only, like Draculas, witches, ghosts, zombies, etc.
Aaaaanyway, I digress... we jazzed up the house a bit for Halloween, and I played with my new iPad app to make the photos look a little "spooky" haha.