
Sunday 17 April 2011

...and Good Morning to You, Too!!

Aaah, Sunday. That day when you can sleep in just that little bit to remind you that it is in fact Sunday and that you don't have to do anything (perhaps church for some, or sports games for others, but those things generally start later that weekday work would). And so it was that this morning I got out of bed at 8:00AM and took a shower. It felt good to have slept in two and a half hours longer than usual, and I was in a great mood, ready to seize the day. Oh, and it was sunny too!!! Hooray for SUN!!

After my shower I moved into the lounge and opened the curtains.... and they they all were, looking back at me!!

Now, I apparently didn't get the memo that today was in fact clean the drains and weed the paths day. Outside our lounge window stood about fifteen or twenty men in overalls holding hoes of some description, some scraping the black dirt out of the storm drain there, and others weeding the dirt track that runs past the back of our place.

Now, for those of you who have visited us here, you will know what I mean, and you'll understand that there isn't much of a fence, or any distance between our lounge window and the storm drain and dirt track. Maybe two meters tops. Our window is a full length one (actually it's more of a sliding door) and so standing there looking out at all those guys who were now looking back at me was a pretty strange start to my Sunday morning.

Anyway, as I write this, sitting here in the lounge with my feet up and the laptop on my lap (at 8:35AM), it seems the early bird workers out there have decided to take a smoko break...RIGHT OUTSIDE OUR WINDOW!! So there they all stand leaning on their hoes talking about next week's festival (yes, I can hear their conversations even with the window shut because they are THAT CLOSE! haha)

So yeah, that was a sociable start to Sunday. I'm actually pretty glad I DIDN'T get that memo. I think I would have passed on early bird drain scraping, thank you :)

I wish I could take a picture for you, but I can't bring myself to just open the door/window and point a camera at them all and take a picture. They aren't far enough away for that. Sorry.

But here's a completely random and irrelevant picture of me and Liz in Kyoto last week:


  1. Hope you weren't still in your towel when you opened the curtains!! Early bird drain-cleaners might have been more surprised than you!!

  2. Haha... Thankfully no. That would have been pretty shocking indeed!
